Welcome to Zion Presbyterian Church
Lowrys, South Carolina
Zion Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Established in 1855, Zion is a historic church that is experiencing a welcome new season of growth, while also celebrating God's enduring faithfulness throughout the generations. In addition, we embrace the future, realizing that the church is only one generation from extinction, except for the continued labors by believers for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our community and world.
Therefore, we seek at Zion to emphasize the preaching and teaching of the Bible- God's living Word- which contains the power to save and transform lives.
We seek to labor and engage in missions: locally, domestically, and internationally. We seek to lovingly lead children and youth, focused on bringing them into a saving relationship with Christ, and building them up for faithful adulthood through teaching and ministries.
We seek to spiritually feed adults through studies and ministries. We seek to serve others. We strive to be a loving family for all, based upon the common bond of Jesus Christ.
If you are seeking a church, please know that we welcome all who come through our doors!
In Christ,
Pastor Al Ward

Previous Audio Sermons
We are currently working through 1 Corinthians.
Our purpose is to glorify God through Jesus Christ the
Savior in the power of the Holy Spirit. We seek this through our worship, work, and relationships…in every aspect of life.
Upcoming Events & Activities:
Inquirer's Class
Interested in joining Zion or refreshing your understanding of the basics of Christianity? Contact Pastor Al for more details.Men's Breakfast
Bi-Weekly | Contact Al for more details.- Women's Made for More Conference
Matthews, NC | January 31st - February 2nd - February Monthly Supper
Wednesday Night | Contact Al for more details